
Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Recap - Week 8

Week Eight. How quickly it goes...
The number, "8" is considered auspicious - good luck - in Chinese culture so it seems a good time to take a break.  We will be back in a week or so with up-to-date information from the World Final in Durban, South Africa.

In the meanwhile, there's a lot to keep you busy if you like reading.

If you are new to this site - welcome!

Have a look at Tuesday's post, How to Find Posts that Interest You which lists the pieces written by our 25 guest authors  over the last month or so.

Then check out Wednesday's post, Looking for a Book to Read?  which lists all the books recommended as good reads by the contributors to this site.  There are a lot of books!

On Monday, I thanked the (many) people who helped get this blog going and wrote about my favourite book dedication.  It seems that a lot of people also like book dedications and there are some good ones out there.  Here are a couple of links if you want to read more about book dedications:

Book Riot (Seven Great Dedications);
Mugglenet (explains the dedications J K Rowling made in each of the Harry Potter books)

One of the most popular features of this blog have been the books reviewed by kids.  These are listed on the left side bar.  On Thursday, we published the last two reviews we have at hand, here and here.

We are looking for more reviews from kids so, if there's a book you'd like to tell other readers about, send your review to us at  There are some easy guidelines for writing book reviews at Kids' Contributions in the tab under the header.  Send it in at any time - we will put it up and you will be a published author - easy!

If you live north of the equator you're now starting your summer holidays - lucky you!  If you're looking for summer reading, check out the book lists posted on Wednesday and, if you're bored, write a review or two. Have a great summer!

Finally, we are already planning our November authors platform.  Authors who are interested in contributing to this platform should have a look at the Authors tab under the header and contact me at

And that's it for another week.  Thanks for visiting - more from South Africa soon!

The last word goes to the author, Stephen King, in the dedication of his book, It (1986), to his children:

This book is gratefully dedicated to my children. My mother and my wife taught me how to be a man. My children taught me to be free.

NAOMI RACHEL KING, at fourteen;



Kids, fiction is the truth inside the lie, and the truth of this fiction is simple enough: the magic exists.

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